Comunidade Renovo (Igreja Anglicana Reformada - Free Church of England) Timeline 2011 - 2019

The logos of the Free Church of England and the Igreja Anglicana Reformada

Facebook Comunidade Renovo:
Website IAR:
Website FCE:
Bishop Josep Rosselló:


- The first meetings started at the Bishop Josep's house in São Benedito neighbourhood (Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, Brazil). Many guests and Josep's invited people took part in the services and meetings, including people from abroad. (article)

- Meetings in a café in Taubaté are held once a week in the first semester of the year

- In August, the community receives the visit of rev. Jon C. Shuler, global leader of NAMS

- The Bishop moves to the neighbourhood of Santana and so does the meetings' local.

- "Vida e Visão" Reformed Conference takes place in Bragança Paulista in November with the presence of the member of Pindamonhangaba and other churches, including the following abroad guests: Rev. Mark Aldridge (New Wine), Ken Shirkey and Martha Shirkey (Gateway Center for World Missions) (article)

- The name Re.Novo is chosen for the local church

- The support to the mission in São José dos Campos has begun. Meetings are done at Ricardo Ramos' house with Bishop Josep and members from Pindamonhangaba (article 1 / article 2)

- By the second semester of 2012 a Lutheran temple started to be used for the meetings (in agreement with the Lutheran pastor) (article)

- The Anglicans attend to the Lutheran invitation for their Harvest Service 2012 in August (article)

- The church is now named Igreja Anglicana do Vale do Paraíba in an attempt to centralize the members in this church since São José dos Campos is a main city in the region of Vale do Paraíba.

- "Pizza evenings" are made for some Thursdays after studying the Bible

- The synod takes place in November

- The church has the visit of the American couple Ken Kennet Shirkey (director of Gateway Center for World Mission) and his wife Martha Shirkey.

- The idea of a central church for the region of Vale do Paraíba is cancelled, also because members of Pindamonhangaba could not go to São José dos Campos every Sunday so the meetings in Pindamonhangaba start again to happen at the Bishop's house and Ricardo Ramos start his house services. (article)

- In May, Bishop Josep participates in England as an observer of the Free Church of England's convocation

- The first Café Com O Bispo (Coffee with the Bishop) happens in August. A meeting directed to men from different churches to discuss topics of theology and daily Christian life

- The Anglicans attend to the Lutheran invitation for their Harvest Service 2013 in September (article)

- The synod happens in September, in Bragança Paulista

- Bishop Josep participates of GAFCON 2, in Nairobi, Kenya (October)

- Bishop Josep starts teaching at a university named FAPI what helps the Anglicans in Pindamonhangaba to be known a little more

- Igreja Anglicana Reformada was finally and officially connected to the Free Church of England in April 2014 after unofficial conversations that started in 2011.

- The Anglicans attend to the Lutheran invitation for their Harvest Service 2014 in August (article)

- Bishop Josep attends in October to the FCE annual event in England

- The meetings started to happen now in a language school named Skill Idiomas (January)

- In July, a short lived project named Caminho de Emaús was initiated (article)

- The church meetings happen now at Hotel Vitória (October)

- During the year (from June on) the event Café Teológico (Theological Coffee) happens for some times. (article)

- Bishop Josep participates of NAMS Global Meeting in the USA (September)

- The Synod 2015 took place in Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, in November 

- The name Dunamis Pindamonhangaba is chosen for the church and the name Re.Novo is now used for the mission in São José dos Campos in responsibility of Ricardo Ramos

- The meetings are now happening again at Skill Idiomas

-  Some new members are officially received (article)

- A new mission in Taubaté has started on April 3rd with the presence of Bishop Josep and the organisation of Felipe dos Anjos. It's called Caminho de Emaús, the same name of the meetings that happened in Pindamonhangaba and it will happen every Sunday at 7pm.

- In June the Anglican community was glad participate and support NAMS (New Anglican Mission Society) in its meeting which took place in Pindamonhangaba. (article)

- Americans Ken and Martha Shirkey spent some days in Pindamonhangaba and blessed the community with prayers and preaching (July)

- The Anglicans attend to the Lutheran invitation for their Harvest Service 2016 in August (article)

- In October took place the IV Jornada Acadêmica de Teologia (Theology Conference) of the local Christian University which is part of FUNVIC. Besides watching the other lecturers, the Anglicans could also watch to Bishop Josep speaking since he was among the lecturers. (article)

- In April, the services start to be held at bishop Josep's house, since he moved to a bigger place

- The Synod 2016 took place in November in Pindamonhangaba (article)

- Felipe dos Anjos, who was organizing the meeting "Caminho de Emaús" in Taubaté has paused the project and is now coming to Pindamonhangaba to join the brothers in the Sunday service.

- The local council met in February and decided that the Sunday services should be in the evening, not longer in the morning, the Anglican church in Pindamonhangaba is not anymore called "Dunamis" and yet again called "Renovo"; Monthly barbecues are going to be organised with brotherhood purposes.

- A monthly women's meeting start happening from March until the end of the year

- Bishop Josep goes to Bangkok in April for a church planting conference

- Occasional prayers during the night in secluded places are initiated

- The Anglicans attend to the Lutheran invitation for their Harvest Service 2017 in August (article)

- In September a retreat event was organised and it had the guest presence of the Americans Ken and Martha Shirkey, who were in Pindamonhangaba last time in July 2016.

- Bishop Josep goes to England for the annual event of the FCE

- Bishop Josep goes to Venezuela for some days in November to look after the Anglican churches there which are part of the Free Church of England (article)

- Emerson goes to Chile as a Brazilian representative in the NAMS' conference, which in this year of 2017 took place in Metrenco, Chile, in December. (article)

- The Synod 2017 took place in December in São Paulo (article)

- Grupos de Crescimento (Groups of Growth) are initiated during the week with meetings intended to pray and study the Bible (January)

- Members are contributing to the churches in Venezuela and also to the work of pastor Robson Souza with drug addicts in rehab centers. (January)

- The members are now gathering for the services at Casa da Amizade (May)

- Bishop Josep is offered an opportunity of leading a church in England and as he participates of the annual event of the The Free Church of England he is also trying to rise up enough resources for his moving to England

- Igreja Anglicana Reformada is announced in June as a new dioceses of the Free Church of England for South America

- A men's meeting happen on September 1st in a local burger joint

- The first South American Diocesan Synod of the Free Church of England is held in São Paulo, September 29 (article)

- Junior and his wife Michelle start coming on some Sunday to do the worship together with Edilson (September)

- In October 12th, a national holiday, the community has a day out organized by Rogério, a member of the church and as lecturer Bishop Francisco Buzzo is invited (article)

- Bishop Josep spends some days of November in Venezuela, helping the ministers and taking the donations from Brazil

- Bishop Josep is confirmed to become a minister of Christ Church Exmouth in England from February 2019

- Bishop Josep celebrates the religious matrimony of Ricardo Ramos and Graziela Ramos, also he does the christening of their son Noah (December)

- On January 6 a last service with Bishop Josep as official minister is made (due to the fact that he will soon be moving to England). Until then, he will be a regular member.

- On January 10 the first church meeting happened to make decisions about the new organisation of the church, having pastor Robson Sousa confirmed as the new Responsible Minister in the place of Bishop Josep who had been the pastor until then.

- On March 5 some member of the congregation took part in the extraordinary synod which happened in São Paulo City in order to discuss and take some decisions before Bishop Josep's departure to England on March 25. 

A barbecue and then a service are held on March 17 for the Bishop Josep's departure to England in one week's time.

- Sunday the 24 of March 2019 was officially the last service Bishop Josep and his family would take part with the Brazilian congregation. Bp. Josep was the evening's preacher of that Holy Communion service.

- In April, the members decide to move to another neighbourhood and also a name change has been proposed and voted and now the congregation is called "Renovo: Uma Comunidade Cristã" (Renewing: A Christian Community). (article)

- On May 1st, Labour Day, the members had been toiling to have the new church done because on May 5 they had their inauguration service with the presence of members and friends (article)

- Our members Felipe dos Anjos and Maria Fernanda got married on May 18 with a beautiful celebration.

- Prayers in the late evening in a secluded place nearby are being done in a regular basis by some of the members.

- The 30th of June is the birthday of pastor Robson Sousa, so after the service there was a celebration with some food and a cake.

- In July some members of the congregation completed 52 days of daily prayer in a secluded place.

- On Wednesday evenings theological chats are being held by the congregation. (initiated in August)

- In November the congregation received the visit of the Diocesan Bishop Josep Rosselló 

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