Trip 2015: Rio de Janeiro, Petrópolis and Penedo (Los Hermanos concert)

My Commentary: It all started because my friend Bruno and I decided to go to a concert in Rio de Janeiro. Although I'm really not usually willing to go to Rio de Janeiro City the concert was supposed to be there and the band ("Los Hermanos" yes....the only mpb/pop-rock band I like and I don't even know why) was important for us during our teenage years of friendship, so we needed to go (we later learned the band would also play in São Paulo....). The picture above shows the route we did. Bruno left from São Paulo City, picked me up in Pindamonhangaba, we continued to Rio de Janeiro, then we went to Petrópolis and on the way back we stopped in Penedo, then he left me in Pindamonhangaba and went to São Paulo City. The total is 982km (apart of the tours we did inside the towns and cities).

We arrived at late evening to the concert and that was totally crowded, we were late and couldn't find the main entrance so that was a tense moment. On the way, talking to a Carioca girl, we got the affirmation "I didn't know you Paulistas liked Los Hermanos" and that was an interesting nice observation considering her style and I answered in my mind "I don't know why I like the band and can't believe I came to Rio". That was a very good concert, they play perform well live, they played the songs we like and people sang together all of them (one thing I admit: they've got real fans).
For the next day I planned "Well, we go to some tourist places enjoy for a while and then at the end of the afternoon we go to Petrópolis" but then problem was that that was Saturday and on Monday it would be holiday, so Rio was like hell (Hell de Janeiro), we couldn't park the car, there were no parking areas anywhere, the heat was killing us, when we found a parking lot a strange carioca man came saying we needed to give him money to stay there, the tourist areas and places were all crowded, the radio stations only played shit music and then we got fed up and headed towards Petrópolis earlier than the planning. That's why I have just a few pictures, some of them even taken from inside the car.

The so frightening Linha Vermelha (Red Line)

On the way to Petrópolis -22.809323, -43.270705

It was really a relief to arrive to Petrópolis, while driving up the hill the traffic was too slow and the sun was still burning, so arriving there was completely welcome. The difference from Petrópolis to Rio de Janeiro City is enormous. As it's possible to see in the pictures, the place is more like a mountain town with many historical buildings and even the people is different. Petrópolis was the biggest surprise for me during that trip since it was my first time there.

Saint Peter of Alcantara Cathedral - A wonderful French gothic building with a mausoleum with remains of some members of the Brazilian Imperial Family.

The front view from the Cathedral at night

The front view from the Cathedral at night

Praça Princesa Isabel -22.505925, -43.179752

Praça Princesa Isabel - In this park there is a monument for the first German settlers who were brought to Petrópolis by request of the Emperor Pedro II

A monument in tribute to 14 Bis

Central area of Petrópolis

Central area of Petrópolis

View from from Bohemia Brewery

View from from Bohemia Brewery

Bohemia Brewery - RJ -22.506602, -43.185009

Bruno and I having lunch at Bohemia brewery

The cathedral in a view from Av. Köeller

Brazilian Expeditionary Force Museum - Brazil at World War II

Brazilian Expeditionary Force Museum - The logo of Brazil, a smoking snake, which means things will be brutal.

Logo of "Senta a Pua" another inspiration motto of Brazil during World War II


 German styled houses

 German styled houses

My video of a car ride in Petrópolis

It wasn't my first visit to Penedo, we stayed just a few hours for lunch and it was raining, so this is the reason for the lack of numerous pictures. In my other visits to this town I could take a lot of pictures and explore the elements of Finland that are still there brought by the immigrants of the colony of Toivo Uuskallio.

On the way to Penedo

Eating at the Scandinavian restaurant Koskenkorva

Food at Koskenkorva restaurant

Flags of Finland, Brazil and State of Rio de Janeiro at Pequena Finlândia

German store at Pequena Finlândia