Cruzeiro (São Paulo, Brazil)

Its flag colors are red on the top left with four golden stars with a white circle and its state (São Paulo) where the city is located in the middle and with 13 stripes, seven of them are blue and six of them are white. It has a red tag reading in Portuguese Cultura Civismo meaning Civic Culture on the left, Paz meaning Peace in the middle and Liberdade e Trabalho meaning Freedom and Work on the bottom and a golden crown on the top. (Wikipedia)
cruzeiro revolução paulista constitucionalista 1932 2008 celso lage carlos nascimento professor capital guerreiros paulistas mspi direita conservadores anti-pt anti-socialista separatista right-wing conservative brazil
Its coat of arms features a shield with blue on the top and white at the bottom with its part of a flag in the top left and the Southern Cross which has its golden stars on the right. (Wikipedia)

City: Cruzeiro
State: São Paulo
Country: Brazil
GPS Coordinates
My Commentary: Cruzeiro is totally related to the Paulista Revolution of 1932, but not all politicians and civilians care about that. The city has other historical facts to be proud of but they are hidden in a not so lively town. I've been there only four or five times and my conclusion is that a lot of work is still necessary to turn this town really attractive but it's possible, considering the History and Nature of Cruzeiro.

Vila Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Cruzeiro (a page about a Historical Cruzeiro)

Interesting Facts:
- In Cruzeiro was signed the armistice of the Paulista Revolution in 1932

- In 2008 Cruzeiro received by State law 13,203 the honourable honorary title of "Constitutionalist Revolution Capital of 1932" because of the important episodes of the conflict that occurred in the city.

- Still about the Paulista Revoltion in 1932, it was in a now famous Mantiqueira Tunnel in Cruzeiro that the soldier from Minas Gerais received the Paulista soldiers under shotguns, betraying then their allies. (the other part of the tunnel ends in Passa Quarto, Minas Gerais)

History of Cruzeiro: Cruzeiro was founded at the junction of the railway lines of three States (São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), the railway, as well as coffee production were important in the 19th century. The first owner of the Cruzeirense lands was Major Novaes, a resident of Fazenda Dona Tita, now a city museum. At the Mantiqueira railway tunnel, north of the city, an important battle between the Federalists and the Constitutionalists took place in 1932. Today, the city contains an economic focus on the area in the commercial and metallurgical industry. The old FNV (Fábrica Nacional de Vagões) now run by Maxion Rodas e Chassis, a division of an international company that makes rail components, makes up a large part of the fragile economy. (Wikipedia)

Anthem of Cruzeiro: 
Officially adopted by Law Number 302 of June 30, 1958
Melody and Lyrics: Cesar Federici

Nasceste no vale
Ao pé da colina
Bela e Grandiosa
Cidade menina

A Mantiqueira majestosa a coroar
E o lendário Paraíba
Orgulhoso a te banhar

Tens lindo traçado
Escolas, igrejas,
Comércio, indústria
e tudo que almejas

Tens lindos jardins
Com garotas e flores
Que formam buquê
E onde nascem amores

Salve Cruzeiro
Nome divino da minha cidade
Teu nome ostenta o emblema sagrado
da cristandade

Salve Cruzeiro
Terra bendita em que nasci
És de São Paulo
Filha gentil
Pedacinho querido
do meu Brasil.

Original video by Talessouza

My Videos in Cruzeiro

9 de Julho de 2018 - Revolução Constitucionalista - Paulista Revolution 1932

9 de Julho de 2016 - Revolução Constitucionalista - Paulista Revolution 1932

9 de Julho de 2015 - Revolução Constitucionalista  - Paulista Revolution 1932

9 de Julho de 2008 - Revolução Constitucionalista  - Paulista Revolution 1932

9 de Julho de 2008 - Revolução Constitucionalista - Paulista Revolution 1932

My Photos in Cruzeiro - July 9th 2017

Program of events in Cruzeiro for 2017

 Major Novaes Museum

 Major Novaes Museum -  A letter written by a soldier during the Revolution in 1932

 Monuments for the Paulista Revolution in a place named Garganta do Embaú

 Monuments for the Paulista Revolution in a place named Garganta do Embaú

 Indication classifying that track as part of the"Estrada Real" a very old track

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