Garibaldi (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)

The coat of arms of Garibaldi has a mural tower representing its status as city and below a Portuguese shield. Inside of the shield there are four bunches of grapes representing the intensity of wine production and at the centre there is the coat of arms of Count D'Eu who was important in the History of the city. Below there is the inscription "Garibaldi" as tribute to the Italian leader, "1870" representing the foundation of the colony and "1900" representing its emancipation.

City: Garibaldi
State: Rio Grande do Sul
Country: Brazil
GPS Coordinates
My Commentary: Garibaldi is a very nice and calm place. Italian aspects are everywhere and it's possible to make a good route of tourist places to visit. As the cities around in that region, the place is organised and differs from others regions of Brazil in its visual and structure.


Interesting Facts:
- Garibaldi's name was based on the Italian military leader Giuseppe Garibaldi who fought battles in Italy and also in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

- Garibaldi has the "Rota dos Espumantes" (Route of the Sparkling Wines) in which you can visit a long list of local wineries. Garibaldi is also known as the "Capital of the Sparkling Wine"

- Garibaldi's first name was Colônia Conde D'Eu, then it became Freguesia de São Pedro and then finally Garibaldi.

- The first Germans who came to Garibaldi were actually Prussians.

- Scala Mercalli, an Italian metal band from Fermo recorded one song in tribute to Garibaldi (the person, not the city) and another song for his lover Anita.

History of Garibaldi:  In 1870, chairman Dr. João Sertório created the colonies Conde d'Eu and Dona Isabel, inaugurating a new era in the process of colonization and economy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Garibaldi was called, initially, Colony Conde d'Eu, in honor of the emperor's son-in-law, married to Princess Isabel. The two colonies had 32 square leagues of land. The region did not attract much interest, because its lands were rugged. It was necessary to invest in infrastructure to populate it. But as the government was not willing to do so, it sought other resources to make it habitable and arable. The government decided to populate the region with European immigrants. The settlement of Colony Conde d'Eu occurred at the end of the imperial stage. The first immigrants arrived on July 9, 1870 and they were all Prussians (Germans). At the same period, some Amerindian families, or "Bugres" as they were commonly identified, also settled there. During this period of settlement, the Germans lived on subsistence agriculture. At that time, the only existing road, and in terrible conditions, connected Conde D'Eu to Montenegro through Maratá. By this road, in 1874 and 1875, some Swiss, Italian, French, Austrian and Polish immigrants arrived.
 The largest number of immigrants came from Italy. The Colony Conde d'Eu was the first nucleus of colonization in mountain region of Rio Grande do Sul. The population of the colony, which in 1875 was of only 720 inhabitants, reached 870 persons in 1876. From 1890, when the colony was established, the houses, the buildings, which today form the Historical Center, were built. On October 31, 1900, the government raised the Colony Conde d'Eu to municipality, which then became Garibaldi. Today, almost all the inhabitants of the city are descending from immigrants, which led Garibaldi develop some aspects, in part by that mix of immigrants with their respective cultures. (Wikipedia)

Anthem of Garibaldi:
Lyrics: Quartanistas 1969
Melody: Sister Lina Toigo
Arrangements: Friar Nicolau Lucian
Official by law number 562 in 1984

Nesta data gloriosa
De tua emancipação
Nós queremos jubilosos
Te saudar numa oração!

Salve, salve, Garibaldi
Neste dia trinta e um
Salve! Salve!

Imigrantes te construíram, com bravura e destemor
Sacrifícios não mediram, pois te ergueram com amor
Garibaldi tua riqueza, são teus vinhos, teus trigais
Tuas colinas verdejantes, tuas belezas naturais.

O teu povo idealista, é também hospitaleiro
Sente-se em casa o turista nacional e estrangeiro
Tua igreja é das mais lindas, tua praça é um primor
Lá no alto a doce Ermida, testemunha fé e amor.

Tuas crianças, lindas flores, são alegres e sadias,
Com seus risos e folguedos, enchem tudo de harmonia
Tuas escolas são prá-frente, estudante são aos mil
Jovens fortes e briosos, esperança do Brasil.
Original Video by SzederLaci

Trip 2014
São Paulo e Sul - Coat of arms

My Commentary: I will sum it for now, after about 10 years without visiting our little house in Ilha Comprida, I finally went there with my family. Once there I had the ambitious idea of visiting my friends in the South of Brazil, since Ilha Comprida is in the South of São Paulo. At the end the plan worked better than I thought and I visited many places going by bus and then returning from the extreme South to my town by air plane. The list above follows the sequence of the route I did. It's possible to click in all the towns and get information and photos:

São Paulo


Santa Catarina

Rio Grande do Sul

Here below there is a picture with some stuff I brought from all the places I visited.

My Photos in Garibaldi - Trip 2014
My Commentary: After leaving Pomerode, in Santa Catarina, I went to Blumenau where I took a bus to Porto Alegre in Rio Grande do Sul. It was a long journey of about 8 hours if I remember well. From there I took another bus to finally arrive in Garibaldi where my friend Mirela would be waiting for me so we could start our days of exploring. I was impressed on how Italian Garibaldi is, I was honestly expecting similarities with São Paulo but I was wrong. The towns in Serra Gaúcha region have an unique style influenced by Germans and Italians and even the way the structure and organize the towns are different fom South-east Brazil.
Typical Italian house

Traditional house

Museu Arquivo Histórico Municipal - Historical Archive Museum of Garibaldi. While at this museum we had an excellent service by the lady who works there. She knows many stories and was willing to show us around patiently.

Museu Arquivo Histórico Municipal - Historical Archive Museum of Garibaldi

Museu Arquivo Histórico Municipal - Historical Archive Museum of Garibaldi

Museu Arquivo Histórico Municipal - Founders of an unified Italy

The flag of Nice which was Italian territory when Garibaldi was born

Guns used during the Farroupilha Revolution

The Church sign says "Ms. and Mrs. you shall not enter this church: With sleeves above the elbows, without a veil covering your hair, with transparent clothes. Thought: Who commands you those is the almighty God who lives in this temple"

The back of the museum


The front yard of the museum 

Cross in front of São Pedro Parish written "United in Christ"

In front of São Pedro Parish

City Hall of Garibaldi

Flag of Garibaldi

Flags of Rio Grande do Sul, Mercosul and Garibaldi

House at Manoel Peterlongo st.

Near Garibaldi's Quagmire Park

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