Pindamonhangaba (São Paulo, Brazil)

The Flag of Pindamonhangaba was designed by a committee organized by Professor Mário César de Assis and the teachers David de Moura and José Wadie Milad. It was established by Act Number. 55 on July 6, 1950.
The green and yellow are colours of the Imperial flag, which perfectly symbolized the participation of Pindamonhangaba at the Grito do Ipiranga (Independence of Brazil). The people of the region supported fervently the Brazilian independence from Portugal.
The red and white - blood and purity - fetched from the Bandeira Paulista, represent the epic year of 1932, when a civil war took heroically the life of a son of Pindamonhangaba named Julio Salgado, one of the commanders of the Paulista forces against Brazil. 
The sources of wealth of the city, coming from the three kingdoms of nature (animal, vegetable and mineral)  are perfectly represented by red, green and yellow.
Cruzeiro do Sul: The silver stars represent the Christian origin and the top star represents the glorious State of São Paulo
The white stripe interrupted in the center by the blue sky of the night of political emancipation (July 10th 1705), symbolizes two river which are geographically and historically linked throught Bicudo Leme: The South Paraíba River and Ipiranga River.
The golden crown represents the title of nobility: "Princess of the North", bequeathed to Pindamonhangaba by the ancestors.

The coat of arms of Pindamonhangaba was created by Athayde Marcondes and designed by the engineer João Pedro Cardoso. The coat of arms has been used by the Legislative and Executive sectors of the municipality since 1922.
Heraldic description, according to the author: Modern shield and mural crown. In the shield there is Mantiqueira mountain range and the left bank of the Paraíba River, regions in which there are coffee and rice crops, whose branches decorate the shield, on the right and on the left side. Below the shield there is a piece of green and yellow ribbon (representing the colours of the Brazilian flag) which reads: Pro Patria Semper - For Fatherland Always.

State: São Paulo
Country: Brazil


My Videos of Pindamonhangaba
Independence Day 2018 in Pindamonhangaba

Independence Day 2017 in Pindamonhangaba

Grand opening of the monument dedicated to FEB (World War II)

Independence Day 2016 in Pindamonhangaba

Independence Day 2015 in Pindamonhangaba

The Prince Imperial of Brazil Visits Bosque da Princesa in Pindamonhangaba - 2015

UN Soldiers Training in Pindamonhangaba (2013)

Visit to Museu Histórico e Pedagógico Dom Pedro I e Dona Leopoldina (2012)

Independence Day 2005 in Pindamonhangaba

My Commentaries: I came to live in Pindamonhangaba around 10 years ago. The town was a typical countryside town of São Paulo, but since then many things have changed. Progress has come and the town is slowly discovering and sharing its rich History and Tradition. More cultural events are happening, classic buildings being restored, I just hope it continues. I personally consider Pindamonhangaba the best town in Vale do Paraíba region, with a good planning one can do a program that involves both urban and nature tourism.


Interesting Facts:
- Pindamonhangaba means "the place where hooks are made" or "where the river bends" in native indian language.

- Euterpe Music Corporation is the oldest marching band in continuous activity in the country.

- Pindamonhangaba must be highlighted in three important moments of History: In the Imperial times when the town served the empire with many guards, at the Paulista Revolution in 1932 when São Paulo bravely fought against all the country to defeat a dictator and during WWII when the town sent soldiers to fight the Nazis in Italy. 

- Berta Celeste Homem de Melo was a woman from Pindamomhangaba who wrote the official lyrics in Portuguese for the American song "Happy Birthday To You".

- During the WWII Pindamonhangaba ended up with a concentration camp for Germans of the ship Windhuk that was captured in Santos.

- The first meeting of the UN was held by Pedro Leão Veloso, from Pindamonhangaba, ambassador in Washington. 

- Tribuna do Norte of Pindamonhangaba is the second oldest newspaper in São Paulo founded in 1882 by João Romeiro.

- Pindamonhangaba is the national capital city of aluminium recycling.

- Emilio Ribas, one of greatest professionals of the country in public health, was from Pindamonhangaba.

- The area that today is Campos do Jordão belonged to Pindamonhangaba (Villa de Pindamonhangaba) in 1790 when  Inacio Caetano Vieira de Carvalho acquired an allotment letter.

- A free-download music compilation named Pindamonhangaba Project was produced by CYBER10 with Indie / Metal / Electronic local musicians and bands.

- Pindamonhangaba won for the first time in 2016 the certificate of the Município Verde Azul initiative, which is organised by the Sistema Ambiental Paulista, the environment department of São Paulo State.

- Pindamonhangaba used to provide the Empire of Brazil with many soldier from its land.

- In the 18th century Pindamonhangaba sent troops of soldiers to fight the Spanish on the South border of Brazil, including a troop of black people (free slaves) what was something new at that time.

- Residents of Pindamonhangaba started to build the first chapel (Igreja do Rosário) where today is São Bento do Sapucaí but the Mineiros messed all up (as always) then the building was paralysed but later retaken and finished.

- With the support of Pindamonhangaba, after many battles, the territory that today is Santo Antônio do Pinhal was protected from the Mineiros invaders, keeping it Paulista until nowadays.

- Gabriel Goffi, a Brazilian genius of the poker game and the best worldwide Mid-High Stakes player (2013) was born and raised in Pindamonhangaba

The neighbourhoods in Pindamonhangaba - For a high quality version click here

History of Pindamonhangaba:
The region then occupied by the Portuguese was Pindamonhangaba at least since July 22, 1643, registering more remote occupation by a certain Captain João Prado Martins. Six years later, on May 17, 1649, the area was formalized as a land grant and donated to the captain. It seems there is no information about what occurred between that date and August 12, 1672, so 13 years later, a chapel was built in honor of São José by brothers Antônio Bicudo Leme and Braz Esteves Leme. The brothers Leme have acquired of the Countess of Vimieiro (Condesa de Vimieiro), the lands north of the town of Taubaté. There is no news of how the allotment had passed from the hands of Captain Prado Martins to the Countess of Vimieiro. Given the uncertainties of history, two recent mayors of the city solved the problem by fiat: Caio Gomes Mayor officiated at the date of August 12, 1672 (Leme brothers) as the founding date of the city and later, Mayor João Bosco Nogueira decreed magna that date the county was founded was the date of emancipation, July 10, 1705.

Anthem of Pindamonhangaba:
Lyrics: Dr. João Marcondes de Moura Romeiro

Salve! Ó terra querida! 
Paraíso terreal, 
Onde tudo tem mais vida ! 
Salve! Ó terra natal
Nos corações dos teus filhos
Não se apagarão jamais, 
Tradições que nos orgulham 
Contadas por nossos pais.
Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
Encantadora paragem, 
Linda, Formosa, sem par! 
Das belas plagas brasílias 
O mais formoso lugar.
Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
Céu azul estrelado,
Vargens cobertas de flores,
Prados de eterna verdura
Mil encantos, mil primores!
Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
A beijar-te o Paraíba 
Em curvaturas tamanhas! 
Um sol que doira a existência, 
Doira vales e montanhas!
Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
Tesouro tão precioso
Das mãos de Deus recebido
Pelas mãos cruéis do tempo
Nunca será destruído.
Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
Nas ricas terras paulistas,
Todos te invejam a sorte,
Por todo o mundo aclamada
Gentil "Princesa do Norte"- Salve! Ó terra querida! ...etc
Original video by PortalR3
My Photos in Pindamonhangaba from 2006 to 2011
Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Avenida Teodorico Cavalcante de Souza

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Jardim Boa Vista neighbourhood
Jardim Boa Vista neighbourhood - 2008

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi "À Pratia e aos officiaes Pindamonhangabenses da Guarda de Honra de Dom Pedro I - Homenagem do Povo" "To the Nation and to the officials from Pindamonhangaba of the Elite Guard of D. Pedro I - Tribute from the People" Monument at Praça Monsenhor Marcondes - 2008
"À Patria e aos officiaes Pindamonhangabenses da Guarda de Honra de Dom Pedro I - Homenagem do Povo" "To the Nation and to the officials from Pindamonhangaba of the Elite Guard of D. Pedro I - Tribute from the People" - Monument at Praça Monsenhor Marcondes - 2008

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Fog at Rua Álvaro Pinto Madureira

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi
My Polish friend Marek and I during his visit to Brazil - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi
São Marcos restaurant - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi são marcos restaurante
Chapel at São Marcos restaurant - 2010

São Marcos restaurant - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi drink pinga cachaça alcohool
Pinda Boapinga (Cachaça, Brazilian alcoholic drink) from Pindamonhangaba - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi
At the border of  Pindamonhangaba with Santo Antônio do Pinhal. Piracuama neighbourhood - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Santo Antônio do Pinhal Piracuama neighbourhood
At the border of  Pindamonhangaba with Santo Antônio do Pinhal. Piracuama neighbourhood - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Santo Antônio do Pinhal Piracuama neighbourhood
At the border of  Pindamonhangaba with Santo Antônio do Pinhal. Piracuama neighbourhood - 2010

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi Sr. Jaime, the man of the caldo de cana (sugarcane juice) (R.I.P.) Caldo de Cana on Foursquare 2011
Sr. Jaime, the man of the caldo de cana (sugarcane juice) (R.I.P.)

Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi

My Photos in Pindamonhangaba in 2012
Pindamonhangaba São Paulo Brazil Nationalist Identity Conservative Flag Coat of Arms Bandeira Brasão Conservador Direita Génération Identitaire

Crispim neighbourhood

Pesqueiro in Pindamonhangaba

Takô Makisushi - Japanese food in Pindamonhangaba

Music presentation in the museum of PindamonhangabaCarcoarco group by Clássicos em Cena

Igreja de São Joaquim (Roman Catholic Chapel) in Jardim Boa Vista

One of the many swastikas on the walls of Pindamonhangaba

Central area of Pindamonhangaba from Doutor Gregório Costa st.

Igreja Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Crispim neighbourhood

"Natureza, patrimônio de todos. Preserve" = "Nature, belongs to everybody, preserve it"

The first asphalt overlay on Frei Maurício street - Pindamonhangaba

At the border of Galega and Mombaça neighbourhood

At the border of Galega and Mombaça neighbourhood

Moon over Pindamonhangaba

Jardim Boa Vista neighbourhood

Salesianos Church view from behind

Tower of Igreja Nossa Senhora de Fátima in Crispim neighbourhood

Moon over Pindamonhangaba

The flags of São Paulo and the USA at Colonial Plaza Hotel

The flags of the USA, São Paulo, Brazil and Pindamonhangaba at Colonial Plaza Hotel and the banner of Congresso de Famílias da Verdade Bíblica

The flags of the USA and São Paulo at Colonial Plaza Hotel

Rain is coming to Pindamonhangaba

Mazzaropi (Jeca Tatu) statue in Pindamonhangaba

My Photos in Pindamonhangaba in 2013

Aeroclube de Pindamonhagaba: A hangar in the aviation club of Pindamonhangaba depicting Alberto Santos Dumont the father of the aviation in Brazil
Aeroclube de Pindamonhagaba: A hangar in the aviation club of Pindamonhangaba depicting Alberto Santos Dumont the father of the aviation in Brazil

Biruta restaurant

 View from Biruta restaurant

View from Biruta restaurant

View from Biruta restaurant

Igreja de São Joaquim (Roman Catholic Chapel) in Jardim Boa Vista

Crispim neighbourhood

Crispim neighbourhood

Crispim neighbourhood

Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church)
Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church) 

Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church)
Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church) 

Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church)
Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church) 

Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church)
Coral e Orquestra da Basílica de Aparecida (Choir and Orchestra of the Basílica of Aparecida) presenting Christmas songs at Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso (Roman Catholic Church) 

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Chapel at Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant

Pesqueiro do Noé - Fishing lake and restaurant
Pesqueiro do Noé - "If we cause you envy, copy us: work"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament
Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first Sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

Leões do Vale, the local rugby team of Pindamonhagaba, promotes its first sevens tournament at "João do Pulo"

My Photos in Pindamonhangaba in 2014

Cícero Prado Park - Vila São Benedito

Tiradentes Palace - Renewed for some departments of the Municipality of Pindamonhangaba

João Faria Fialho Park - The flag of Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event- Borba Gato Batallion

João Faria Fialho Park - The army's event - Borba Gato Batallion

Clássicos em Cena - Classical music event held in the museum of Pindamonhangaba

Gerdau in Pindamonhangaba

Gerdau in Pindamonhangaba - Flags were down for the death of the politician Eduardo Campos

Gerdau in Pindamonhangaba - Flags were down for the death of the politician Eduardo Campos

Farm in Pindamohangaba with 6 palm trees of the type imperial

Santa Rita de Cássia Church in Pindamohangaba

Santa Rita de Cássia Church in Pindamohangaba

Santa Rita de Cássia Church in Pindamohangaba

Santa Rita de Cássia Church in Pindamohangaba

Santa Rita de Cássia Church in Pindamohangaba

Car of the fire dept.

Rural area of Pindamonhangaba

View of the Church of Salesianos

My Photos of Pindamonhangaba in 2015 (and Campos do Jordão)
My Commentary: My friend Anna came from Russia to visit Brazil for the first time. I met her when I lived in England. When she arrived she started a route visiting some of the friends she has throughout Brazil then we arranged for her to come to the region I live. So my friend Leo, Anna and I made a tour in my current town Pindamonhangaba and we went up the mountains to Campos do Jordão.

Museum of the ECFJ

Museum of the ECFJ

Museum of the ECFJ

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Leo with Anna while she proudly hold the Paulista flag after learning about 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932
Lyrics for Nossa Bandeira (Our Flag) a poem made during the Civil War.

Museum of Pindamonhangaba: Exposition about the Paulista Revolution in 1932

Countryside of Pindamohangaba

Countryside of Pindamohangaba

Countryside of Pindamohangaba

Countryside of Pindamohangaba

Countryside of Pindamohangaba

My Photos in Pindamonhangaba in 2015
My Commentary: Those photos were taken during the year of 2015 so they cover general topics as restaurants, events, ordinary or historical places etc. Pindamonhangaba is each year more structured and new places are appearing as old places are also being restored.

 Restaurante Serra Azul
It takes quite a time to get to Serra Azul restaurant, but the time is worthy because of the high altitude and the nature with the waterfalls. The service is well done with nice waiters and employees.

Restaurante São Marcos
São Marcos restaurant is a very nice option when you want to eat well and pay cheap. I would say it's a homemade food style for the typical Brazilian plate: Meat, rice, beans and salad (apart from the non-typical Brazilian but popular chips (french fries)). There are also some kinds of fishes as option. After having your meal, you can go to the "dessert house" where you can choose your dessert for free. It's possible to walk around there in a very farm-like area with playground for children.

Palacete 10 de Julho
It's interesting that at the same time that societies are heading to "Historyless" liberal communities, some actions are going against the tide as for example the restoration of Palacete 10 de Julho. It costed about 6 million Brazilian Reais and had support from government and private initiatives. The result is splendid and its function will be now to archive historical documents of Pindamonhangaba. The building was closed for 7 years and in the past it belonged to the Barons of Itapeva

  A video produced by Portal R3 about the building

Other Pictures of Pindamonhangaba
A restored house in the central area of Pindamonhangaba

Igreja de São Joaquim (Roman Catholic Chapel) in Jardim Boa Vista

Trees on the road towards Moreira César

Crispim neighbourhood at night

Railtrack crossing the neighbourhood of Mombaça

Neighbourhood of Mombaça

On the way to Campos do Jordão

On the way to Campos do Jordão

House at Jardim Boa Vista Neighbourhood

SABESP - State Company of Water Distribution

House at Vila Nair neighbourhood

The view of the museum from Jardim Boa Vista neighbourhood

The view of the museum from Jardim Boa Vista neighbourhood

Central area

Temporary amusement park on Praça do Quartel

Sky at Pindamonhangaba

Night of Pindamonhangaba

Lar São Judas Tadeu

My Photos of Pindamonhangaba in 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016: Actually it brought its friend

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba on March 4, 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba on March 4, 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba on March 4, 2016

Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016 arco iris
Pindamonhangaba had a visit of a beautiful rainbow on March 4, 2016: My maneuver to catch the rainbow 

Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016 protesto manifestação anti-pt
Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016

Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016 protesto manifestação anti-pt
Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016

Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016 protesto manifestação anti-pt
Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016: The Paulista Military Police

Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016 protesto manifestação anti-pt
Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016: The Paulista Military Police

Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016 protesto manifestação anti-pt
Anti-Socialist government protest in Pindamonhangaba on March 13, 2016: The Paulista Military Police

Rail track of the EFCJ

Rail track of the EFCJ

Rail track of the EFCJ

Rail track of the EFCJ

Doctor Emílio Ribas Park, monument for him 

Doctor Emílio Ribas Park

Doctor Emílio Ribas Park

Doctor Emílio Ribas Park

Retro men's barber place

House of traditional architecture in the centre of the town where today is a store

Santuário Mariano Diocesano Nossa Senhora do Bom Sucesso with the flags of Pindamonhangaba and in front there is a monument for Mary mother of Jesus as Our Lady of Bonsucesso

Old house refurbished in the centre of the town

Cross at Doctor Francisco Romeiro Park (aka Cruzeiro Park)

Doctor Francisco Romeiro Park (aka Cruzeiro Park) monument for this same doctor

Pinda Boulevard (centre)

Centre of Pindamonhangaba

Ladeira Barão de Pindamonhangaba

Bosque da Princesa
Pindamonhangaba Brazil São Paulo Paulista Conservador Direita conservative identity bosque da princesa monarquia  separatista mspi

Municipal Library of Pindamonhangaba in Bosque da Princesa - 2014
Municipal Library of Pindamonhangaba in Bosque da Princesa - 2014

Municipal Library of Pindamonhangaba in Bosque da Princesa - 2014

South Paraíba River passing at Bosque da Princesa - 2014

Bosque da Princesa - An old image of Pindamonhangaba made by tiles - 2014

Bosque da Princesa - An old image of Pindamonhangaba made by tiles - 2014

My friend Koji at Bosque da Princesa - 2015

Gazebo at Bosque da Princesa - 2015

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